Discount Information

We encourage you to take advantage of ALL the savings you can receive.


If you pay your deposit before January 31, 2022, you will receive 5% up to $100 per person off a tour. Your deposit is fully refundable by the date listed on the invoice you receive. This is the best discount possible. A deposit for a normal motorcoach tour is $100 per person. For a tour with airfare or a cruise, the deposit is $250 per person. (It can be combined with our Cash Discount.)


If you pay with a check, money order or cash you can save 3% on any tour. We must pay fees to card processing companies when you pay by credit card and so if you do not use a credit or debit card, we will pass the 3% savings to you. This discount can be used with other discounts listed.


The Travel Expo Show is coming to a town near you! We will be visiting several cities throughout Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma. Come out and learn more about the savings! (Must be present to receive this discount. It can be combined with our Cash Discount but cannot be combined with the 5% discount.)

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